Easy fast course ( in my opinion) + Bad Pace = unhappy me ! Shoot me !
After two 60Ks at Muleshoe and Colorado Bend, I was tempted to do another 60K. But it seems "kinda" crazy to do three 60Ks out of the 4 races in the series and miss the buckle by a 30K. ( I did 30K at Pedernales). So I convinced myself to "just" do a 30K.
I had wanted to race this since this was the last one in the series. But I felt sick during my run on Friday ( the day before the race). I was out doing m 8miles run and was running good till mile 3 when my asthma came to haunt me. I had to struggle ( walk /run) 2 miles to get back to the car. My inhaler did not make me any better for the rest of the day.
Panicked ! I really want to finish this race. I had to pull out my emergency kits.- 2 puffs of Albuterol every 4 hours, 2 cups of tumeric tea and a bag of onion. Yes onion ! I always feel better after chopping onion.- somehow the onion seems to open the air way... so I was chopping lots of onion on Friday night and Saturday morning.
Felt much better on Saturday. However, I was not sure how my lungs will react and hence decided to "take it easy".
I have not done this course before. But I heard my "horror" stories from peeps who did the Pandora Box. Major complaint was the granite rocks and the dome. The most technical part seems to be the dome and only the 60Ks runners get to go to the dome. I was sorta disappointed to miss the dome.
There are 2 loops for the 30Ks runners with 4 aid stations in the course. The first 1.25 miles was pretty flat with some bumps. The first aid station was about 1.25 from the start. The course started to get technical one mile after the first aid station... granites started to surface. It was actually not too bad- still runnable with day light. It was only more difficult in the second loop when the darkness made it difficult for one to focus on the uneven ground. The third aid station was about 3.5 miles after the second aid station. The granites started to disappear after the third aid station. The course was pretty much runnable with some rocks, switch backs and hills. The last aid station was the same as the first aid station - 1.25 miles from start/finish line. It was a welcome sight to see the third aid station.. knowing that it was only 1.25 miles out from finish. The 1.25 miles back was the best stretch.. almost flat, downhill and runnable dirt track.
I started the race slow.. really slow as I did not know how my lungs will react. I kept to very low heart rate - pretty much breathing in and out through the nose throughout the race. I was trying to focus on getting a right easy breathing rhythm for first 4 miles. Then I caught up with a friend - Michelle-and we decided to run together. It was getting dark and definitely a good decision to run with someone.
Michelle was trying to break 4hr and 27 min in this race. I told her that I will pace her and get her to finish with a PR. We ran the rest of the first together. We finished the first loop in 1hr 58min. I stopped my garmin by mistake at the end of the first loop and hence was unable to tell our pace and time for the second loop. I had to go by "feel" and push whenever I could and still maintaining a low heart rate.
Michelle followed the the pace really good till mile 15 when she started to slow down. For some reason, my right feet started to hurt. I could feel the top of my feet swelling. I knew that I had to keep running to keep the momentum. The feet will hurt more if I stopped or go slow. I decided to pick up pace and hoped that Michelle would be able to keep pace. But I knew that she is on track for a PR even if she did not keep up with my pace.
Michelle fell back when I picked up the pace. Luckily, the last 3 miles are easy and runnable.
Done in 4hrs, 11mins - 8th female.
Not exactly happy with time. I knew I could have done faster. My heart rate was real low and I was not even panting or grasping for breathe. I felt that I could have gone for another loop after finishing the 30Ks. Bad strategy to go on low heart rate... but then again.. I was not sure how my lungs will react if I had gone faster.
Very unhappy with myself... but I was very happy and excited for my BF who did the 60Ks. His 4th 60k... which means a buckle if he finished.
I waited at the start/finish line for him to come in for his third loop. I had promised him that I would pace him if he needs company on his third loop. He came in.. looked strong and he was running with someone he met on the course. I was really happy that he was running with someone... I did not think my body would want to go out again.. and my plantar hurt !
The boy came in at 9 hr and 27 mins....his second fastest in the series. And he earned his buckle !!!
The buckle... aren't it pretty ? |