Since this is the Lazy Runner's first post, I thought that sharing my first race would be most appropriate.
My first race was the Paris half marathon in 2008. I was in school in Paris and was running leisurely with a school mate. He decided to do the Paris Half Marathon and enticed me to do the same.
I did not know what I was getting myself into. We had no training plan. I did not know that one needs a training plan. I had no Garmin and did not know 13.1 or 21km is really a distance. We just ran whenever we had time. The longest we ever did was probably 8 miles.
Race day was fun. We drove from school to the start. I remembered that it was very cold and I was shivering at the start line. I knew that I had to run when the race started. I did not know how far we were to go... just ran !
It was probably a blessing in disguise that I did not know how far 13.1 miles was and that I had no Garmin. It just make it much easier to run and not be a slave to the watch.
I finished the race in 2 hr 2 min ! Decent good time , I think, for a rookie.
This was probably one of the best race I ever had. There was no pressure. Just run !
Life is more complicated today. I have made myself a slave to the Garmin. Time, pace and distance seem to guide my runs. It is just not so right. Isn't running suppose to be fun and easy. We have made it complicated, didn't we!
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