Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tuesday Pain

Tuesday = Track work out. The most dreadful day of the week. It is hard to go out to track knowing that I will be the last one, i.e. slowest of the pack.

The typical Tuesday conversation with the BF :

Me : I am tired. I really do not feel like going to track. I do not want to run

BF : Silence.

Me : what if I cannot breathe

BF: You will be fine

Me: You always say that

BF : and I am always right

Me : Why am I running ?

BF : Because you want to break 4hr at white rock

Me : Who care about white rock ? I will not be here to run it. I do not want to run anymore. Why am I running

BF : Silence.

Yes.. this repeats every Tuesday.

The "before" track is always miserable. Yesterday was a good example. I was so miserable before track. Many thoughts ran in the head .. what is the work out ? What if my legs refuse to run? What if my asthma bother me....blah blah blah.

But I am usually okie once I hit track .. after warm up. The warm up is the worst part of the work out. I usually feel much better after warm up

In fact, I did one of my best work out yesterday. Well, it was forced out of me.  Coach Gary divided people into group based on their pace... I looked around and BIG OPPS... I was the only one in my group. I usually run with Richard but he is injured and did not turn up. Darn... either I ran alone or try to hand with some faster group. I decided to try to hang on to the faster group... at least for 3 sets. They were so FAST...first set at 7.15 pace. I never ran so fast in my life.

 "Hang on.hang on... it is only 3 sets"... I kept telling myself

I managed to hang on for 3 sets. We took a break for water after 3 sets. Two of them started first. I followed. I tried to keep a close distance with them ( since they started first and I could not catch up).  4th set done. 2 sets to go... and it was easy after.. kept telling myself to take it easy and focused on form. And before I knew.. it was done. I felt tired on the last set. But was really happy with pace.

Best work out ever... despite being miserable before the work out. But Yes... I was really miserable before the work out.. well every workout

hm......I think will have the same conversation again with my boy next Tuesday :)

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